
I set up AWS cloudfront to work as a CDN to host some files for my site.

When I use the cloudfront integration – it works in HTTP and HTTPS.

When I use the custom domain – it only works in HTTP.

So, using dummy examples, here's what I mean:

http://www.12345.cloudfront.net/file - Works fine

https://www.12345.cloudfront.net/file - Works fine

http://www.cdn.domainname.com/file - Works fine

https://www.cdn.domainname.com/file - Prompts an insecure site warning message in browsers

I created a custom domain SSL certificate within AWS for cdn.domainname.com--as I thought that would remedy the issue. And, I added that to the cloudfront distribution, but this doesn't seem to have changed anything.

It would help if you could share your configuration details. Both for the certificate and for the distribution.Tom Erik Støwer

2 Answers


custom SSL certificates for Cloudfront have a different set of requirements than for ELB. You may need to issue a different certificate; also, it used to be that you had to import the certificate in US-East to use it in Cloudfront, not sure if that's still the case.

See details here: https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonCloudFront/latest/DeveloperGuide/cnames-and-https-requirements.html#https-requirements-aws-region

and: https://aws.amazon.com/premiumsupport/knowledge-center/custom-ssl-certificate-cloudfront/


UPDATE: I was able to fix this issue by adding both cdn.domainname.com and www.cdn.domainname.com to the SSL certificate.