I recently had to update to Xcode 10.2 since my iPhone automatically updated to iOS 12.2 and I have to use it for some in-app purchase testing.
The project uses Swift 4.2 and Realm.
I knew I had to update Realm so here is what I did...
- Downloaded
- In Xcode, I replaced the frameworks with the latest from the download in my case the ones inside folder,
"In the past the Realm folders used to be labeled as the Swift version now they are labeled per the Xcode version"
- Compiled and then I got the following error.
Module compiled with Swift 4.2 cannot be imported by the Swift 5.0 compiler: /Users/userName/MyApp/RealmSwift.framework/Modules/RealmSwift.swiftmodule/i386.swiftmodule
What am I missing?
What do I need to do to be able to use my Swift 4.2 project inside Xcode 10.2 and RealmSwift
Is RealmSwift ready for Xcode 10.2?