
My hive table is partitioned with column 'job_id'. When I dump the data in the hdfs location of the table, then it is creating a partition with name 'JOB_ID' and my hive table is not recognizing it.

I have tried msck repair table command but that didn't helped either.

Can you clarify what you mean by "dump the data in the hdfs location"? Do you place some files in HDFS and then create external Hive table on it?serge_k
Partition folder name should be key=value, for example job_id=123456, not just job_idleftjoin
@serge_k yes there are files in hdfs location and hive table point to that location.Anshul Sharma
@leftjoin It is like job_id=927Anshul Sharma
Please add table DDL with location and the result of hadoop fs -ls <table location>leftjoin

2 Answers


For external Hive tables you need to add new partition manually as follows:

ALTER TABLE table_name ADD PARTITION (job_id='927') location 'hdfs://some_location/job_id=927'

I found out that the partition name should always be in lowercase letter. Here is the link: https://medium.com/a-muggles-pensieve/hive-partition-column-name-camelcase-bad-idea-bc203d6e65da