I set the aurelia-store up as per the docs; in the main.ts at the bottom of all the plugins (from the skeleton app with dotnet core) I have as the last plugin defined:
.plugin(PLATFORM.moduleName('aurelia-store'), { initialState })
Then my app needs to login the user and save their bearer token.
await aurelia.start();
await aurelia.setRoot(PLATFORM.moduleName("modules/login/login.vm"));
In the login class I am trying to use the @connectTo decorator. However it never sets the dependency property. So I am stuck on this simple part at the very start of the app and my work already suggested not to use Aurelia but I said I wanted to for fast POC.
I've copied the docs exactly and still have the issue. Notably, I had to turn off strictNullCheck in the tsconfig to make the doc code parse.
target: 'state',
selector: {
userToken: (store) => store.state.pipe(pluck('userToken')),
loginRedirected: (store) => store.state.pipe(pluck('loginRedirected'))
export class Login {
static inject = [Aurelia, Store]
public state: State;
app: Aurelia;
constructor(Aurelia, private store: Store<State>) {
this.app = Aurelia
store.registerAction('ChangeUserToken', this.changeUserToken)
store.registerAction('LoginRedirected', this.loginRedirect)
activate() {
... this.state is always undefined.
if (!this.state.loginRedirected) { //error
I expect the this.state property to have a state object populated from the global state store with the initialState values. e.g.
{ userToken: "", loginRedirected: false }
I just need to set the userToken in login and retrieve it in app.js. This is not possible; what could be missing to make this basic function actually work?