Cannot obtain CFStringRef
value from iOS API function (framework) in Delphi 10.3 Rio
// external call bridge function to iOS:
function MIDIObjectGetStringProperty(obj: MIDIObjectRef;
propertyID: CFStringRef;
out str: CFStringRef):OSStatus; cdecl; external libCoreMidi name _PU + 'MIDIObjectGetStringProperty';
Function MIDIObjectGetStringProperty
(iOS CoreMIDI function) return in str:CFStringRef
name of MIDI ports ...
How can I obtain value of CFString
variable in Delphi? In this example str:CFStringRef
I try it in my func.:
function getDisplayName(obj: MIDIEndpointRef):string;
EndPointName: CFStringRef;
//EndPointName:= nil; // when I assign nil value, function return i=-50 otherwise raise Access Violation error ...
i := MIDIObjectGetStringProperty(obj, kMIDIPropertyDisplayName , EndPointName); --> AV error !!!
//in EndPointName should be returned CFStringRef value from iOS
getDisplayName := CFToDelphiString(EndPointName); // convert to string
Probably EndPointName
need to be allocated ... else I give AV error. Please got someone solution how obtain ANY CFStringRef
value from iOS framework and convert to string? Thanx.
I build crossplatform (iOS, Android, W64) app in Delphi Rio via FireMonkey frameforks api - for CoreMIDI I use this interface
So the externall call and constants are defined in iOSapi.CoreMIDI there:
function MIDIObjectGetStringProperty (obj: MIDIObjectRef; propertyID: CFStringRef; str: CFStringRef) : OSStatus; cdecl; external libCoreMIDI name _PU + 'MIDIObjectGetStringProperty';
and iOS pointer const:
function kMIDIPropertyDisplayName: Pointer;
Result := CocoaPointerConst(libCoreMIDI, 'kMIDIPropertyDisplayName');
Otherwies compiled app work on real iOS (iPad) very well (reading MIDI message from connected MIDI keyboard) based on this solution
obj: MIDIObjectRef is source pointer from source:= MIDIGetSource(ci);
Problem is calling API function MIDIObjectGetStringProperty. In pointer str: CFStringRef (EndPointName) should be VALUE of MIDIportNAME. I cannot obtain this value and parse to delphi string ...
I tried declared this poiter CFStringRef as:
EndPointName: pointer;
EndPointName1: array of Byte;
EndPointName2: TBytes;
EndPointName3: TPtrWrapper;
M: TMarshaller;
and construction as:
SetLength(EndPointName1, 255);
EndPointName3 := M.AllocMem(255);
i := MIDIObjectGetStringProperty(obj, kMIDIPropertyDisplayName , @EndPointNameX);
--> nothing works, AV error !!!
I thing it must be solution how to obtain CFStringRef and convert to delphi string ...