For a time series analysis of over 1000 raster in a raster stack I need the date. The data is almost weekly in the structure of the files "... 1981036 .... tif" The zero separates year and week I need something like: "1981-36"
but always get the error Error in charToDate (x): character string is not in a standard unambiguous format
raster_path <- ".../AVHRR_All"
all_raster <- list.files(raster_path,full.names = TRUE,pattern = ".tif$")
brings me: all_raster
To get the year and the associated week, I have used the following code:
timeline <- data.frame(
year= as.numeric(substr(basename(all_raster), start = 17, stop = 17+3)),
week= as.numeric(substr(basename(all_raster), 21, 21+2))
brings me: timeline
year week
1 1981 35
2 1981 36
3 1981 37
4 1981 38
But I need something like = "1981-35" to be able to plot my time series later
I tried that:
timeline$week <- as.Date(paste0(timeline$year, "%Y")) + week(timeline$week -1, "%U")
and get the error:Error in charToDate(x) : character string is not in a standard unambiguous format
or I tried that
fileDates <- as.POSIXct(substr((all_raster),17,23), format="%y0%U")
and get the same error