I'm using express-session, passport, connect-mongo and mongodb-atlas last versions, for create sessions and save them on the server, the problem is when app.use(passport.session()), this session is created even if the user is not logged in.
// key: "id",
secret: process.env.SESSION_SECRET,
cookie: {
httpOnly: true,
sameSite: true,
// secure: process.env.IN_PROD,
maxAge: 10800000,
}, // three hours in miliseconds
store: new MongoStore({
mongooseConnection: mongoose.connection,
autoReconnect: true,
collection: "admin.mySessions",
serialize: serialize
resave: false,
saveUninitialized: false,
name: 'Id'
this causes that when passport is initialized and the passport session the cookie is saved with session id and the session is saved in the mongodb mi question is how save session only for users logged in