
robot framework not identifying kendo button

when i try click on kendo button, robotframework throws "element not found" error. I tried with selenium also. Response is same.

Tried below xpaths,




my html page contains below kendo elements

    <li id="header-col5">

        <div id="header-navigation">

            <ul id="btn-ctrl-grp" style="padding:0px;margin:0px;" data- 
             role="buttongroup" class="km-widget km-buttongroup k-widget 

            <li class="btn-ctrl ng-binding ctrl-btn-inactive k-button km- 
            button" ng-disabled="reqCtrlMode == 1 || header.appStatus == 
            'INACTIVE'" ng-class="onButtonClass">

            <span class="k-text km-text">ON</span></li>

            <li class="btn-ctrl ng-binding k-button km-button ctrl-btn- 
            offbtn k-state-active km-state-active" ng- 
            disabled="reqCtrlMode == 0 || header.appStatus == 'INACTIVE'" 
            ng-class="offButtonClass" disabled="disabled">

            <span class="k-text km-text">OFF</span></li>

            <li class="btn-ctrl ng-binding ctrl-btn-inactive k-button km- 
            button" ng-disabled="reqCtrlMode == 11 || header.appStatus == 
            'INACTIVE'" ng-class="warmButtonClass">

            <span class="k-text km-text">WARM</span></li>

can anyone guide me on how to handle kendo controls in robotframework?

Both first two locators look ok, they should match it (the 3rd is too broad, will match all elements in that branch). Are you sure this html is not in a frame?Todor Minakov
No. Its not inside any new frame. I can access elements next to this kendo buttons.Ramesh Babu M S

1 Answers


To click() on the kendo button with text as WARM you can use the following xpath based solution:

//ul[@class='km-widget km-buttongroup k-widget k-button-group' and @id='btn-ctrl-grp']//span[@class='k-text km-text' and text()='WARM']

Note: The element is an Angular element, so you have to induce WebDriverWait for the element to be clickable