
I am trying to create a native dll for my Java programm in Intellij. I have created a .dll file and my vm options are: -Djava.library.path="C:\Users\pk\IdeaProjects\MyTerminErinnerung". But I get the following error: UnsatisfiedLinkError: C:\Users\pk\IdeaProjects\MyTerminErinnerung/window.dll %1 is no valid win32 application There is nothing in my .dll file except "#include "window.h"". (I will fill it as soon as I have solved this error problem.) The path given is correct. I read on other sites that has to do with win64. Maybe the once of who know Intellij AND Windows can tell what might be the mistake?

Are you using your own "window.h"? There is no "window.h" in system but only "windows.h". Do you misspell?Drake Wu
i am using my own "window.h". There is nothing inside of "window.h". The same error appeared in my CLion application.JavaFeminine

1 Answers


If you want to refer to the system header file but not your own header file, Please try to use #include <windows.h> instead of #include "window.h"


Also make sure your JAVA environment(64/32-bit) match the .dll building platform(x64/x86).