I am trying to do Parallel testing using Selenium and Cucumber.So we have around 130 test scenarios which takes around 1.5 hours to run. Now By running all these tests in Parallel I can reduce the time.
I am using following 2 plugins:
<argLine>-Xmx1024m -XX:MaxPermSize=256m</argLine>
So the idea is, suppose I give Thread count or Fork count 3, it will invoke 3 browsers, and it will run the tests. With CUcumber JVM Parallel Plug in I have created 131 runner for all the scenarios. With @Before annotation from Cucumber, I can invoke the browser once, and for all the next instances it will use the same browser instance (Thus saving the time to open and close the browsers again and again.)
Now if we can use @BeforeClass or @AfterClass, this would have been much simpler solution. But as we can not. I had to use @Before, thus calling the same method again and again with each scenario.
import cucumber.api.java.Before;
public class stepdefs(){
static Browser browser;
public static Scenario scenario;
static TestConfiguration configuration = TestConfiguration.getConfiguration();
public void before(Scenario scenario) {
if (browser == null) {
if (System.getProperty("seleniumRemoteWebDriver") == null) {
WebTestSettings webTestSettings = configuration.getWebTestSettings();
browser = Browser.LOAD_LOCAL_BROWSER(webTestSettings.externalBrowser, webTestSettings.driverPath);
} else {
if (System.getProperty("version") == null) {
browser = new RemoteBrowser(System.getProperty("browser"), System.getProperty("seleniumRemoteWebDriver"), System.getProperty("platform"));
} else {
browser = new RemoteBrowser(System.getProperty("browser"), System.getProperty("seleniumRemoteWebDriver"), System.getProperty("platform"), System.getProperty("version"));
Browser browser = TestContext.getContext().getBrowser();
this.scenario = scenario;
So this worked for @Before, but this will not work for @After. What I want to achieve here is to close all the browser instances after the test is done. But How do I know which 1 is the final instance? Or how do I close all the instances? Is there a way to use @AfterClass or @BeforeCLass or use SetupTeardown with JUnit/TestNG + Maven-Failsafe-plugin?
I have tried using Junit and TestNG both. I used to use a Runner file which extends to the SetupTearDown class for the non-parallel execution. But obviously can not use that as the runner classes are getting generated in runtime. Tried using pre-integration , post-integration phase as well. Which did not run. May be I am not using that phase correctly.