I am trying to make a SOAP request in SoapUI, which needs authentication with username and password. I let SoapUI generate a test based on a wsdl file and try to call the service. I followed the steps on the SoapUI website to use authentication(https://www.soapui.org/soap-and-wsdl/authenticating-soap-requests.html), but I can't get it to work. I am new to SOAP, so I'm probably missing something basic. I got a username and a password for the service, so I'm guessing this is a basic authentication. But when I try to make a request, I always get a PolicyViolationException, which states that "Required policies have not been provided: {http://docs.oasis-open.org/ns/opencsa/sca/200912}clientAuthentication".
Here is, how the request and answer look like (I obscured the service link and changed the username). I also added the user into my project and WS-Security settings.
I tried Pre-emptive authentication and "Must Understand". I also tried to change the request Header and add the security manually, but nothing seems to work and I always get the same response.