
Currently, I'm trying to set up a dynamic key vault linked service. Unfortunately, whatever I try I'm not able to successfully test the connection.

    "name": "AzureKeyVault1",
    "properties": {
        "type": "AzureKeyVault",
        "typeProperties": {
            "baseUrl": {
                "value": "@concat('https://vault.azure.net','/')",
                "type": "Expression"

The above code using concat is not a real use case but just a way to test if dynamic json is possible for linked service. I was expecting (based on the documentation) that I could make the baseUrl property dynamic. Am I using the right formatting?

I get the following error:

Error: Error: Can't get property concat


2 Answers


Wim,based on the official document,parameterize linked services only supports below services,not including Azure Key Vault.

enter image description here

You could submit feedback here to push some improvements of azure data factory you want.



To Answer your question, this is the correct formatting.

I have been able to parameterize a pipeline parameter, and then pass it as the baseurl in a dynamic expression.