
I am using SendGrid with Azure and have a ARM template that deploys SendGridAccount to Azure. However while deploying it fails saying that I need to accept market place terms for SendGrid

I got the powershell that accepts the market place terms. Get-AzureRmMarketplaceTerms -Publisher "SendGrid" -Product "SendGrid Email Delivery" -Name "Free" | Set-AzureRmMarketplaceTerms -Accept

However I am not able to find the correct publisher id, product and offer names for the SendGrid. How can I find this information?

can you share the template?4c74356b41
Part that deploys SendGrid Account looks like this { "name": "[variables('sendgrid_Account_Name')]", "type": "Sendgrid.Email/accounts", "location": "[parameters('Applocation')]", "apiVersion": "2015-01-01", "plan": { "name": "free", "publisher": "Sendgrid", "product": "sendgrid_azure", "promotionCode": "" }, "properties": { "password": "[parameters('sendgrid_Account_Password')]", "acceptMarketingEmails": false, "email": "[parameters('sendgrid_Account_Email')]" } }Sri Harsha Velicheti

1 Answers


well, the template gives it away:

publisher: Sendgrid
product: sendgrid_azure
name: free

so the command would be:

Get-AzureRmMarketplaceTerms -Publisher SendGrid -Product sendgrid_azure -Name Free