good day everyone, i'm just starting working with both react native and testing. i have a log in component who has 2 text inputs one of them is autofocused. when i try running my test it complains about the component using findNodeHandle.
i tried looking for answers to similar problems on google but found nothing that worked for me so i thought i try my luck here.
this is the render method of my component.
render() {
return (
<View style={styles.login}>
<TextInput autoFocus={this.props.focus || true} onChange={uname => this.setState({ username: uname})} placeholder={'Username'} style={styles.input}/>
onChange = {
pwd => this.setState({
password: pwd
placeholder = {
style = {
secureTextEntry = {true}
and this is the test i'm trying to perform
it('render a log in form', () => {
<Login focus={false}/>
when i run the test this is the output i receive:
PASS tests/App-test.js
● Cannot log after tests are done. Did you forget to wait for something async in your test?
Attempted to log "Calling .focus() in the test renderer environment is not supported. Instead, mock out your components that use findNodeHandle with replacements that don't rely on the native environment.".
at BufferedConsole.warn (node_modules/@jest/console/build/BufferedConsole.js:224:10)
at Component.focus (node_modules/react-native/jest/MockNativeMethods.js:11:13)
PASS tests/Login.test.js
Test Suites: 2 passed, 2 total
Tests: 2 passed, 2 total
Snapshots: 1 passed, 1 total
Time: 4.233s
Ran all test suites.
● Cannot log after tests are done. Did you forget to wait for something async in your test?
Attempted to log "Calling .focus() in the test renderer environment is not supported. Instead, mock out your components that use findNodeHandle with replacements that don't rely on the native environment.".
at BufferedConsole.warn (node_modules/@jest/console/build/BufferedConsole.js:224:10)
at Component.focus (node_modules/react-native/jest/MockNativeMethods.js:11:13)
Done in 6.16s.
i hope some one can tell me what is causing this problem and how to prevent it for this situation and future similar situations. thanks to everyone for their time in answering my question.