In Azure CLI, there is az functionapp, but no such equivalent can be found in Powershell AzureRM-library nor Az-library.
Using raw Azure resources, I've attempted something like this to create a function app on my Application Service Plan:
New-AzResource -ResourceType 'Microsoft.Web/Sites' `
-ResourceGroupName "MyRgName" `
-Location "westeurope" `
-ResourceName "MyFunctionName" `
-kind 'functionapp' `
-Properties @{ServerFarmId="abc-123"; alwaysOn=$True;} `
-ApiVersion '2018-11-01' `
It almost works, but doesn't create a 100% working Function App. Azure Portal will spit lots of errors and warnings, for example from missing Host Keys.
- ARM-templates. What to put into a template to successfully create Azure Function? I have no idea. The one generated by Azure Portal is useless.
- Azure Portal: Not really handy approach for environment setup from Azure DevOps release pipeline, but it will create a fully working Function App.
The question is: How to create a Function App from a Powershell script?