I'm trying to understand how does Linux encrypt our password on the etc/shadow file, so I've dont a new virtual 'test' user to make some test:
user: newuser
password: usrpw123
Generated salt: Ii4CGbr7
So the OS makes me the following line on the etc/shadow file, using a SHA512 encryptation system ($6$): newuser:$6$Ii4CGbr7$IOua8/oPV79Yp.BwzpxlSHjmCvRfTomZ.bhEvjZV2x5qhrvk82lZVrEtWQQej2pOWMdN7hvKwNgvCXKFQm5CB/:15069:0:99999:7:::
Now, I take the SHA512 module from python and try this:
import hashlib
m = hashlib.sha512()
print m.hexdigest
This gives me the following hash as a result: c73156daca3e31125ce457f1343201cc8a26400b2974440af2cc72687922b48b6631d21c186796ea2756ad987a996d2b261fe9ff3af4cc81e14c3029eac5df55
As you can see, it's different than the other one on the /etc/shadow file, and I dont know why if I'm using the same salt+password to generate the hash.
Can someone give me a hand and explain me more or less why this happens?
And also, why does the /etc/shadow files generates a hash with some dots (.)?
characters, while the line in theshadow
file is[0-9a-zA-Z/.]
, so the output formats are different to begin with... – sarnold