
I'm trying to read a txt files using spring batch but my problem is each file has different data. for example each line of a file correspond to a Class, so for each line i need different FlatFileItemReader, Tokenizer, and FieldSetMapper.

My file looks like:


I've tried read file that contains same format of data and it works, but I don't know how to do it for file with different format.

FlatFileItemReader<Class1> fileReader=new FlatFileItemReader<Class1>();
fileReader.setResource(new ClassPathResource("/file.txt"));
DefaultLineMapper<Class1> lineMapper=new DefaultLineMapper<Class1>();
DelimitedLineTokenizer tokenizer=new DelimitedLineTokenizer();

Any help would be appreciated . Thanks

@MahmoudBenHassine thank you but each line represent an object of classnoor
That's not an issue. The answer in the question I linked uses a PatternMatchingCompositeLineMapper which can be used here too with patterns like *Class1* and *Class2*, etc. But I edited the answer by @Luca Basso Ricci with an example because his answer is correct and he deserves the credit !Mahmoud Ben Hassine

1 Answers


Create a kinda of CompositeLineMapper where you store a different LineMapper implementation specific for every type of class you need to manage.
This CompositeLineMapper, for every line in your file, will look-ahead discriminator column and dispatch to right LineMapper implementation. I can't give you code because I'm not using SB atm,so I left to you the implementation.

EDIT: Adding an example of how to classify items

Here is a composite line mapper based on a Classifier:

import org.springframework.batch.item.file.LineMapper;
import org.springframework.classify.Classifier;

public class ClassifierCompositeLineMapper implements LineMapper<Object> {

    private Classifier<String, LineMapper<?>> classifier;

    public ClassifierCompositeLineMapper(Classifier<String, LineMapper<?>> classifier) {
        this.classifier = classifier;

    public Object mapLine(String line, int lineNumber) throws Exception {
        return classifier.classify(line).mapLine(line, lineNumber);

And here is how to use it:

import org.junit.Assert;
import org.junit.Before;
import org.junit.Test;

import org.springframework.batch.item.file.LineMapper;
import org.springframework.batch.item.file.mapping.PassThroughLineMapper;
import org.springframework.classify.Classifier;

public class ClassifierCompositeLineMapperTest {

    private ClassifierCompositeLineMapper compositeLineMapper;

    public void setUp() {
        Classifier<String, LineMapper<?>> classifier = new Classifier<String, LineMapper<? extends Object>>() {
            public LineMapper<?> classify(String classifiable) {
                if (classifiable.contains("Class1")) {
                    return new Class1LineMapper();

                if (classifiable.contains("Class2")) {
                    return new Class2LineMapper();
                return new PassThroughLineMapper(); // or any other default line mapper
        compositeLineMapper = new ClassifierCompositeLineMapper(classifier);

    public void mapLine() throws Exception {
        Object line1 = compositeLineMapper.mapLine("00|0|56||Class1|25|001|0", 1);
        Assert.assertTrue(line1 instanceof Class1);
        Object line2 = compositeLineMapper.mapLine("02|23|11||Class2|65|ENG|ENG|", 2);
        Assert.assertTrue(line2 instanceof Class2);

    static class Class1 {}
    static class Class1LineMapper implements LineMapper<Class1> {

        public Class1 mapLine(String line, int lineNumber) throws Exception {
            return new Class1(); // TODO mapping logic

    static class Class2 {}
    static class Class2LineMapper implements LineMapper<Class2> {

        public Class2 mapLine(String line, int lineNumber) throws Exception {
            return new Class2(); // TODO mapping logic
