
I created an eks cluster on aws and try to deploy an app with loadbalancer then i tried to delete cluster and vpc but without delete any deployment and service in kubernetes so now i cannot delete vpc.

enter image description here It always require to delete Network Interface but i cannot delete network interface.

AWS Document https://docs.aws.amazon.com/eks/latest/userguide/delete-cluster.html


If you have active services in your cluster that are associated with a load balancer, you must delete those services before deleting the cluster so that the load balancers are deleted properly. Otherwise, you can have orphaned resources in your VPC that prevent you from being able to delete the VPC.

so i would like to know how to force delete vpc?

Choose 'Force detachment' when trying to delete your ENI, but I would try to see what is attached to it in the first place that is preventing you from deleting it.Peng Tuck Kwok
even i choose 'Force detachment' but result is sameVo Thanh Tung

1 Answers


after I deleted all the loadbalancers which are associated with apps in clusters and then i can delete VPC.

Additionally, ensure that all network assets with public interfaces (such as Internet Gateways, NAT Gateways, peering connections) are accounted for/removed before attempting to delete the VPC.