I have an ARRAY that is pulling data from a form, that is then using a QUERY to combine rows with the same data in column 1 that I now need to sort alphabetically by the data in column 2. I can't figure out how to integrate that aspect into the given formula.
Also, in the formula, I found online (that was super helpful!), I am now getting the first row of data stating "max" before the rest of the data and a blank row directly after it... But I can't get rid of either of them!
Any help would be so so so appreciated.
This is the formula I am currently working with (it's super long and I can't figure out how to highlight parts- I'm sorry! It's the last clause from "SELECT" onwards that's causing weird formatting though)
'Raw Data'!C2:C1501&" "&'Raw Data'!D2:D1501,
'Raw Data'!E2:E1501,
'Raw Data'!H2:H1501,
'Raw Data'!J2:J1501&'Raw Data'!K2:K1501&'Raw Data'!L2:L1501&'Raw Data'!M2:M1501&'Raw Data'!AK2:AK1501&'Raw Data'!AL2:AL1501&'Raw Data'!AM2:AM1501&'Raw Data'!AN2:AN1501&'Raw Data'!BF2:BF1501&'Raw Data'!BG2:BG1501&'Raw Data'!BH2:BH1501&'Raw Data'!BI2:BI1501,
'Raw Data'!N2:N1501&'Raw Data'!Q2:Q1501&'Raw Data'!AO2:AO1501,
'Raw Data'!P2:P1501&'Raw Data'!R2:R1501&'Raw Data'!AP2:AP1501,
'Raw Data'!S2:S1501&'Raw Data'!T2:T1501&'Raw Data'!U2:U1535&'Raw Data'!V2:V1535&'Raw Data'!AK2:AK1535&'Raw Data'!AL2:AL1535&'Raw Data'!AM2:AM1535&'Raw Data'!AN2:AN1535&'Raw Data'!BF2:BF1535&'Raw Data'!BG2:BG1535&'Raw Data'!BH2:BH1501&'Raw Data'!BI2:BI1501,
'Raw Data'!W2:W1501&'Raw Data'!Z2:Z1501&'Raw Data'!AV2:AV1501,
'Raw Data'!Y2:Y1501&'Raw Data'!AA2:AA1501&'Raw Data'!AW2:AW1501,
'Raw Data'!AB2:AB1501&'Raw Data'!AC2:AC1501&'Raw Data'!AD2:AD1501&'Raw Data'!AY2:AY1501&'Raw Data'!AZ2:AZ1501&'Raw Data'!BA2:BA1501&'Raw Data'!BN2:BN1501&'Raw Data'!BO2:BO1501&'Raw Data'!BP2:BP1501,
'Raw Data'!AE2:AE1501&'Raw Data'!AH2:AH1501&'Raw Data'!BB2:BB1501,
'Raw Data'!AG2:AG1501&'Raw Data'!AI2:AI1501&'Raw Data'!BC2:BC1501,
'Raw Data'!CG2:CG1501,
'Raw Data'!G2:G1501,
'Raw Data'!BY2:BY1501&'Raw Data'!CA2:CA1501&'Raw Data'!CC2:CC1501})},
"SELECT Col1,"&ArrayFormula(join(", ","Max(Col"&column(B1:O1)&")"))&"group by Col1",1)