
I have a parameterized upstream build A that should remain untouched as far as possible. Now I want to configure my downstream build B with a declarative pipeline.

So I defined in the Jekinsfile of project B in the triggers section a upstream relation to A. But now I'm stuck with getting the build parameters of build A.

So far I came across the following Ideas:

  • Using the Jenkins job API (I would only do this if there is no way to specify this directly in a Jenkinsfile)
  • From my current view using the Parameterized Trigger Plugin is not a an option since I do not want to reconfigure the upstream job when another downstream job is added.

In my Jenkinsfile of job B I would like to do something like this:

pipeline {
    agent docker
    environment {
        FOO = ""
    triggers {
        upstream(upstreamProjects: 'A', threshold: hudson.model.Result.SUCCESS)
    stages {
        stage('Print params') {
            steps {
                script {
                    // I would expect something like this to access the FOO variable of job A
                    // ${env.FOO} = job('A').params.FOO

I would like to directly access parameters of the build from job A that triggered the current build of job B.


1 Answers


Just parametrize the downstream job and pass the parameters on the call.

build job: 'your-downstream-job', parameters: [[$class: 'StringParameterValue', name: 'YOUR_STRING_PARAM', value: "${yourRandomGeneratedStringVariable}" ]]