
I recently started doing probabilistic programming using PyMC3. In my scenario, I have 3 random variables: On, Triangle, and X, such that X depends on Triangle and On. Triangle and On both follow Bernoulli distributions, and depending on which value they take, the value of X, which follows a Normal, changes.

I wrote up some mock code to test this concept and the code is not good, mainly because you can't call numpy.isnan() on PyMC3 distributions. I just started working in this framework, and I know I'm not writing code that will run, but I'm posting this here so you can see what I've done.

with pymc3.Model() as model:
    on = pymc3.distributions.discrete.Bernoulli('on', p=.7)
    x_on = pymc3.distributions.continuous.Normal('x_on', 10, .4)

    pTriangle_given_on = 1
    pTriangle_given_not_on = .7
    pTriangle = pymc3.math.switch(on, pTriangle_given_on, pTriangle_given_not_on)
    triangle = pymc3.distributions.discrete.Bernoulli('triangle', p=pTriangle)

    name = None
    x_triangle = None

    if triangle:
        name = pymc3.distributions.discrete.Categorical('name', p=[.3, .2, .1, .1, .2, .1])
        name = pymc3.distributions.discrete.Categorical('name', p=[.1, .5, .4])

    if on:
        x_triangle = pymc3.Deterministic('x_triangle', x_on)
    elif triangle:
        x_triangle = pymc3.Normal('x_triangle', 5, 1)
        x_triangle = numpy.nan

    trace = pymc3.sample()

I'm not sure how to specify the conditional dependence of X on Triangle and On. Any thoughts from you all would be much appreciated.

Describe how the code is "not good".Inon Peled
Code doesn't run. you can't do np.isnan() with pymc distributionsmyselfesteem
What are your observables (predictors + response) that you would eventually pass in? Just the x_triangle values? and those are going to have NaNs in them?merv