We are using the report verbosity option available in Karate
I have a MarketingPreferenceTest.feature calling BBB.feature.
The features are as below:
* url Url
* table credentials
|Email |Password|
|'[email protected]'|'test1234'|
* def result = karate.callSingle('classpath:resources/BBB.feature',credentials)
Scenario Outline: Get MS
Given path 'abc'
When method GET
Then status 200
* configure retry = { count: 5, interval: 1000 }
* configure headers = { 'Content-Type': 'application/json'}
* url authenticationUrl
Scenario: Login
Given path 'login'
And request { email: '#(Email)' , password: '#(Password)' }
And retry until responseStatus == 200 && response.loginResponse.loggedIn == true
When method post
My karate.config has
karate.configure('report', { showLog: true, showAllSteps: false } );
When i run the tests in parallel, i want to see all the Given-When-Then's printed in my cucumber report from BBB.feature. How do i achieve it ?
The cucumber report is shown below which doesn't have step definitions from BBB.feature :
Expected Result: Would like to see the Steps of BBB.feature in my report marked in a rectangle box below