I have a rule that iterates over a file pulls out the Fastq file paths and runs trimGalore on the Fastq files. However some of the files are corrupted / truncated and so trimGalore fails to process them. It continues to run on remaining files but the overall rule fails and deletes the output folder with the successfully processed files too. How do I retain the output folder?
I tried altering the shell command to ignore exit status but snakemake seems to enforce set -euo pipefail
within a shell element of the run.
rule trimGalore:
This module takes in the temporary file created by parse sampleFile rule and determines if libraries are single end or paired end.
The appropriate step for trimGalore is then ran and a summary of the runs is produced in summary_tg.txt
rules.parse_sampleFile.output[1]+"singleFile.txt", rules.parse_sampleFile.output[1]+"pairFile.txt"
p = trimGaloreParams
(awk -F "," '{{print $2}}' {input[0]} |while read i; do echo $(date +"%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") >>{log}; echo "$USER">>{log}; trim_galore {params.p} --gzip -o {output} $i; done
awk -F "," '{{print $2" "$3}}' {input[1]} |while read i; do echo $(date +"%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") >>{log}; echo "$USER">>{log}; trim_galore --paired {params.p} --gzip -o {output} $i; done) 2>>{log}
I am happy that it continues to process the remaining Fastq files if one fails but I want the rule output folder to be kept when the job finishes and fails. I want to continue to process the non truncated files