Thankyou to @patL and @Wimpel, I've used your suggestions to come up with a solution to this problem.
First I create spatial lines of set distance and bearings from an origin point using destPoint::geosphere
. I then use gIntersection::rgeos
to obtain the spatial points where each transect intersects the coastline. Finally I calculate the distance from the origin point to all intersect points for each transect line respectively using gDistance::rgeos
and subset the minimum value i.e. the nearest intersect.
load packages
pkgs=c("sp","rgeos","geosphere","rgdal") # list packages
lapply(pkgs,require,character.only=T) # load packages
create data
coords<-structure(list(lon =c(-6.1468506,-3.7628174,-3.24646,
lat=c(53.884916,54.807017,53.46189,53.363665,53.507651,53.363665,53.126998,53.298056,53.884916)), class = "data.frame", row.names = c(NA,-9L))
p=coordinates(sp) # needed for destPoint::geosphere
create transect lines
b=seq(0,315,45) # list bearings
tr=list() # container for transect lines
for(i in 1:length(b)){
tr[[i]]<-SpatialLines(list(Lines(list(Line(list(rbind(p,destPoint(p=p,b=b[i],d=200000))))),ID="a")),proj4string=CRS("+init=epsg:4326")) # create spatial lines 200km to bearing i from origin
calculate distances
minDistance=list() # container for distances
for(j in 1:length(tr)){ # for transect i
intersects=gIntersection(sl,tr[[j]]) # intersect with coastline
minDistance[[j]]=min(distGeo(sp,intersects)) # calculate distances and use minimum
In reality the origin point is a spatial point data frame and this process is looped multiple times for a number of sites. There are also a number of NULL results when carry out the intersect so the loop includes an if statement.
to name objects, since it's a function. Besides your point intersects with the polyline:sf::st_intersects(sl, pt, sparse=FALSE)
. – patL