
I have a webpage with youtube playlists displayed in an iframe by embedding them. They have always showed the title of the video as well as an icon to open the playlist in the top left corner.

Suddenly a few days ago this stopped working and now the title is not shown and neither is the playlist icon. Title isnt even shown when you play the videos, very confusing as you dont know what you are watching.

I have not changed anything on my side. Have Youtube changed something? There are no parameters available that allow you to hide the title, or to force showing it either. I dont understand the logic in not displaying the title.

Here examples to show you what I mean.

This is how it should look, title and a playlist icon in upper left corner, and have looked in the past on all three below URL's:


This is how it should not look and how it suddenly looks since a few days back:



No title, No option to open playlist. Still they are supposed to look the same as first one!

My reference for parameters: https://developers.google.com/youtube/player_parameters

Grateful for any help on this matter!

Check the console wether there are errors or not. Maybe this was a temp error by YouTube - not the first time it happens.Mauricio Arias Olave
Yes. This was an error from YouTubes side and they have now fixed it and thanked me for calling their attention to it.Don King

1 Answers


This was an error from YouTubes side and they have now fixed it.

They even thanked me for calling their attention to it.

They also updated it to look better then before. Now the playlist menu is on the top right.