I have the following questions regarding request/limit quota for ns:
Considering the following namespace resource setup: - request: 1 core/1GiB - limit: 2 core/2GiB
Does it mean a namespace is guaranteed to have 1/1GiB? How is it achieved physically on cluster nodes? Does it mean k8s somehow strictly reserve these values for a ns (at a time it's created)? At which point of time reservation takes place?
Limit 2 core/2GiB - does it mean it's not guaranteed for a ns and depends on current cluster's state? Like if currently cluster has only 100MiB of free ram available, but in runtime pod needs 200Mib more above a resource request - pod will be restarted? Where does k8s take this resource if pod needs to go above it's request?
Regarding namespace granularity and k8s horizontal auto scaling: consider we have 2 applications and 2 namespaces - 1 ns per each app. We set both ns quota as such that there's some free buffer for 2 extra pods and horizontal auto scaling up to 2 pods with certain CPU threshold. So, is there really a point in doing such a set up? My concern is that if NS reserves it's resources and no other ns can utilize them - we can just create 2 extra pods in each ns replica set with no auto scaling, using these pods constantly. I can see a point in using auto scaling if we have more than 1 application in 1 ns, so that these apps could share same resource buffer for scaling. Is this assumption correct?
How do you think is this a good practice to have 1 ns per app? Why?
p.s. i know what resource request/limit are and difference between them. In most info sources there's just very high level explanation of the concept.
Thanks in advance.