
There are efficient (compared to O(n2) pairwise testing) algorithms for finding all intersections in a set of line segments, like the Bentley-Ottmann algorithm. However, I want to find all intersections in a set of infinite lines. When the region of interest is something finite like a rectangle, the line-segment intersection algorithms can be applied after clipping the lines. But

  • Is there a simpler or more efficient way than just clipping the lines and applying line-segment intersection algorithms?
  • Is there an efficient algorithm for all intersections over the entire plane for a set of lines?
Line segment algorithms usually exploit topology and or spatial subdivision of the space. They still are quadratic ~O((n/m)^2) but the m is number of the subdivisions making this a lot of faster. Here an example: Implementing Hoey Shamos algorithm with C#. However infinite lines can not be effectively subdivided spatially making such algorithms unusable. The only thing I can think of is compute unit direction vector of each line, sort the lines by it and ignore parallel lines. the rest is still ~O(n^2) but this will not give you much...Spektre
The efficient algorithms for segments are at best O(N Log N + K), which can degenerate to O(N²). For infinite lines, O(N²) is unavoidable.Yves Daoust

2 Answers


In general case (not all lines are parallel) there are O(n^2) intersections, so simple loop with intersection calculation is the best approach
(there is no way to get n*(n-1)/2 points without calculations)

For the case of existence a lot of parallel lines make at first grouping lines by direction and check only intersections between lines in diffferent groups


If the lines are in general position, all pairs do intersect and exhaustive computation is optimal.