I have two models: Album and Song, the album contains N songs, but the song contains only 1 album. I'm trying to make a specific filter, but I couldn't find a NSPredicate that gives me the results I expect.
I created both models on CoreData:
So I created some objects:
let song1 = Song(context: context)
song1.name = "I Love You"
song1.composer = "Ana"
let song2 = Song(context: context)
song2.name = "Hello And Goodbye"
song2.composer = "Ben"
let song3 = Song(context: context)
song3.name = "I Miss You"
song3.composer = "Marie"
let song4 = Song(context: context)
song4.name = "Lonely"
song4.composer = "Ana"
let album = Album(context: context)
album.name = "Love Songs 1"
let set = NSSet(array: [song1, song2, song3])
let album2 = Album(context: context)
album2.name = "Love Songs 2"
let set2 = NSSet(array: [song4])
So, I would like to do this filter:
Get albums where Ana is the composer AND the song's name contains "n"
I'm fetching the Albums model with this predicate:
let composerPredicate = NSPredicate(format: "ANY song.composer = %@", "Ana")
let songPredicate = NSPredicate(format: "ANY song.name contains %@", "n")
let compoundPredicate = NSCompoundPredicate(andPredicateWithSubpredicates: [composerPredicate, songPredicate])
But on fetched results I got both albums, but I would like to return me only "Love Songs 2".
Do you know how could I do this?
EDIT1: I would like to find a solution that don't uses any maps, filters or loops (if it is possible), because it impacts directly on performance, because I deal with a lot of data.
has an
in the title so both albums should be returned since you useANY
β Joakim Danielson