I have deployed a spring boot application on an external tomcat server. The port configured in the server.xml is 9090 while the server.port in application.properties file is 8080 . And the application is deployed on 9090. Is there any way I can start/deploy my application on the port configured in application.properties file (which is 8080)?
1 Answers
What I think is, The value of server.port
property of the application.properties
refers to the embedded server's port not the external servers.
If you always need to deploy your project on port which you mentioned on the application.properties
then you need to use the embedded server.
By adding an embedded server's dependency on pom.xml
you can achieve it.
Then run your Spring boot mail class or run you jar via command line.
properties only apply when using the embedded container not when deploying to an external server. The only way is to configure tomcat with an additional connector and bind your applicaiton to that, but you all have to configure that in the external tomcat. – M. Deinum