There are a lot of ways how to implement a branch instruction into the controller/sequencer hardware. I have done it myself before with my own method, but my question is: how was it done on the 6502 microprocessor and is there a universtal or at least a popular way of designing hardware for branch instructions?
(Additional information) The method I used was I added flags pins attached to opcode bus that when set high during specific branch instruction would load the value of specific flag into the decoder ROM, thus executing branch if flag was high/low and skipping branch if flag was low/high. For example, during BNE (Branch on Not Equal) intruction, on specific clock cycle the "Zero flag" pin would be activated. If the pin is low, then it doesen't change the opcode and the decoder normally goes to next memory location to execute next microinstruction set which in this case is ending BNE instruction without branching and then waiting for new instruction. However, if the "Zero flag" pin is high then it changes the opcode, thus making decoder skip to the new address (which is equal to opcode) where it will read a different set of microinstructions which will execute the branch instead of just ending/ignoring it.