I have to write a program in MIPS where I have to open a file whose name is entered by the user and parse it,using the MARS simulator . However, since the syscall 8 (which reads a string from user input) follows the semantics of the C function fgets, I have to remove the line feed \n character from the string before I can try and open the file.
I am able to parse the string (here I print the ASCII code of every character for debugging purpose ) . However when I try to change the line feed character into a NULL character with the line
sb $zero 0($t1)
Mars encounters an exception during execution :
"Runtime exception at 0x00400050: address out of range 0x00000000"
If I comment out this line , the program runs fine and prints every ascii code of the string.
prompt : .asciiz "enter filename:\n"
lf : .asciiz "\n"
space : .asciiz " "
la $a0 prompt # asking user for filename
jal print_string
jal read_string
la $t0 ($a0) #copying the string address
lb $t1 0($t0) #loading the first byte
parsing_string : #loop
beq $t1 0 remove_line_feed # reaching the NULL character '\0'
move $a0 $t1 #printing the ascii code
li $v0 1
la $a0 space #printing a space
li $v0 4
add $t0 $t0 1 # loading
lbu $t1 ($t0) # the next byte
j parsing_string
remove_line_feed :
sb $zero 0($t1) # runtime exception if i uncomment this line
j end
end :
li $v0 10 # syscall 10 : end program
read_string : #read a string in $a0
li $a1 100 # $a1 = maximum number of characters to read
li $v0 8 # syscall 8 : fgets()
jr $ra
print_string : #print string in $a0
li $v0 4 # syscall 4 : print string
jr $ra
I don't understand what I'm doing wrong here, at this point of the program the register $t1 should contain the address where the line feed character is written . However I may have misunderstood how the instructions save byte and load byte actually work.
Any help or suggestions are greatly appreciated :)