I would like to create a table the name of which comes from result of a query. Any very basic example will do. The result could be a single column , single row also. I just need a basic example so I can tweak and modify it as per my requirement.
1 Answers
any control command which creates a table requires the table name to be known in advance and part of the command's text.
you could run a 2-step flow programmatically, where:
- the 1st step gets the table name (e.g. using a query),
- the 2nd step generates the
.create table
command string (based on the 1st), then invokes the command.
an example, using the .NET client library:
using Kusto.Data;
using Kusto.Data.Common;
using Kusto.Data.Net.Client;
using System.Linq;
namespace Playground
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
const string clusterName = "myClusterName";
const string regionName = "westus";
const string databaseName = "myDatabaseName";
const string queryForTableName = "MyExistingTable | summarize count() by TableName | top 1 by count_ desc | project TableName";
var kcsb = new KustoConnectionStringBuilder($"https://{clusterName}.{regionName}.kusto.windows.net", databaseName).WithAadUserPromptAuthentication();
using (var queryProvider = KustoClientFactory.CreateCslQueryProvider(kcsb))
// step 1: get the table name, based on the result of a query
var tableName = queryProvider.ExecuteQuery<string>(queryForTableName).Single();
using (var adminProvider = KustoClientFactory.CreateCslAdminProvider(kcsb))
// step 2.1: generate the control command's text, using the value from step 1
var createTableCommand = CslCommandGenerator.GenerateTableSetCommand(tableName, "print value = 'This is a value in my new table'", isAsync: false);
// step 2.2: invoke the control command