The following will display the published time in days, hours and minutes on Woocommerce products:
// Custom function to get the published time of a product
function get_product_published_time( $product ) {
$datetime = $product->get_date_created();
$timezone = $datetime->getTimezone();
$now_time = new WC_DateTime();
$timestamp_diff = $now_time->getTimestamp() - $datetime->getTimestamp();
$data = timestamp_to_array( $timestamp_diff );
return sprintf( '<div class="published-time"><small>' . __('Published %s and %s ago', 'woocommerce') . '</small></div>',
$data['d'] . ' ' . _n( 'day', 'days', $data['d'], 'woocommerce' ) ,
$data['h'] . ' ' . _n( 'hour', 'hours', $data['h'], 'woocommerce' )
function timestamp_to_array( $timestamp ) {
$d = floor($timestamp/86400);
$_d = ($d < 10 ? '0' : '').$d;
$h = floor(($timestamp-$d*86400)/3600);
$_h = ($h < 10 ? '0' : '').$h;
$m = floor(($timestamp-($d*86400+$h*3600))/60);
$_m = ($m < 10 ? '0' : '').$m;
$s = $timestamp-($d*86400+$h*3600+$m*60);
$_s = ($s < 10 ? '0' : '').$s;
return array('d' => $_d, 'h' => $_h, 'm' => $_m, 's' => $_s);
// On woocommerce loop (shop, archives…)
add_action('woocommerce_after_shop_loop_item','dislay_product_loop_published_time', 20 );
function dislay_product_loop_published_time() {
global $product;
echo get_product_published_time( $product );
// On single product pages
add_action( 'woocommerce_single_product_summary', 'dislay_single_product_published_time', 25 );
function dislay_single_product_published_time() {
global $product;
echo get_product_published_time( $product );
Code goes on function.php file of your active child theme (or active theme). Tested and works.