Some months ago I installed Lazarus 0.9.28 + FPC 2.2.4 to work on a new project. Some time after it I ran into some bugs related with image loading on a TImage. After googling a bit I found some information pointing to the fact that the bugs I was facing were already solved in a later version of FPC (can't remember the link now).
So I decided to download and install a newer version. This was around January and the latest stable version was not released yet, so I choose to install the snapshot Lazarus 0.9.31-29128 + FPC 2.4.2-2011-01-20. I opened my project with the new IDE and compiled it.
Luckily the bugs I faced were gone, but I have run into an IDE (?) one. After the upgrade, when I am on the code tab of some of my forms I do not see the code formatted. Instead I only see plain text, like this:
But on some forms I see the code formatted correctly, like this:
Anyone has run into this before? If yes, could you solve it and how? Or can anyone tell me what the correct way to upgrade a Lazarus project between versions is?
It is more of a nuisance than a real problem but still I would like to solve it. Any help would be appreciated.
I noticed that in the forms where the code shows correctly highlighted the LCLVersion in the .lfm file is, while in the forms where the code shows like plain text that property in the .lfm file is 0.9.31. Could have something to do with the problem? I tried changing the value but it did not change anything.
Thanks in advance and best regards