Trying to search trough extrnal api Weather servis.
Api is tested and works fine.
Problem: Enter value in search bar and main Search method from servis is not called. That is reason why request is not sent.
I follow tutorial from angular official documentation:
And this not work.
Search Component:
export class SearchCityComponent implements OnInit {
cities$: Observable<City[]>
private searchTerms = new Subject<string>()
constructor(private weaterService: WeatherService) {}
// Push a search term into the observable stream.
search(term: string): void {
ngOnInit(): void {
this.cities$ = this.searchTerms.pipe(
// wait 300ms after each keystroke before considering the term
// ignore new term if same as previous term
// switch to new search observable each time the term changes
switchMap((term: string) => this.weaterService.searchCities(term))
/* GET cities whose name contains search term */
searchCities(term: string): Observable<City[]> {
if (!term.trim()) {
return of([])
return this.http
.get<City[]>(`${this.citiesUrl}/?query=${term}`, httpOptions)
tap(_ => this.log(`found cities matching "${term}"`)),
catchError(this.handleError<City[]>("searchCities", []))
When I enter in search input some value:
In Search Comnponent in ngOnInit() last line of code is Not called search function from services?
switchMap((term: string) => this.weaterService.searchCities(term))