There is not a way to programmatically change this feature of Enterprise Guide on-the-fly. Being an IDE, Enterprise Guide is, more or less, completely independent of the SAS system.
Enterprise Guide settings in Windows are stored in C:\Users\<userid>\AppData\Roaming\SAS\EnterpriseGuide\<Version>\EGOptions.xml
. They are read and loaded only when EG starts up. Once EG is running, settings are stored in-memory and saved to this XML file when EG closes.
I suppose you could write a script to change the line <autoDisplayGenDataOrResults>true</autoDisplayGenDataOrResults>
from true
to false
. This could technically be done through SAS with a datalines statement, but it could only be done on start-up and would have to call base SAS first before launching EG.
data egsettings;
infile "C:\Users\&sysuserid.\AppData\Roaming\SAS\EnterpriseGuide\7.1\EGOptions.xml" lrecl=32767 length=len;
input line $varying32767. len;
line_modified = line;
if(find(upcase(line), upcase('<autoDisplayGenDataOrResults>true</autoDisplayGenDataOrResults>') ) )
then line_modified = tranwrd(line, 'true', 'false');
data _null_;
set egsettings_modified(keep=line_modified);
file "C:\Users\&sysuserid.\AppData\Roaming\SAS\EnterpriseGuide\7.1\EGOptions.xml";
put line_modified;
In other words, this would just save you a few clicks and that's about it.