Some months ago activated Cloud CDN for storage buckets. Our storage data is regularly changed via a backend. So to invalidate the cached version we added a query param with the changedDate
to the url that is served to the client.
Back then this worked well.
Sometime in the last months (probably weeks) Google seemed to change that and is now ignoring the query string for caching from storage buckets.
- First part: Does anyone know why this is changed and why noone was notified about it?
- Second part: How can you invalidate the Cache for a particular object in a storage bucket without sending a cache-invalidation request (which you shouldn't) everytime?
I don't like the idea of deleting the old file and uploading a new file with changed filename everytime something is uploaded...
EDIT: for clarification: the official docu ( ) already states that they now ignore query strings for storage buckets:
For backend buckets, the cache key consists of the URI without the query > string. Thus,, and are equivalent.
cache key
? Edit your question with the CDN configuration. This document might help you: – John Hanley