
I am struggling with explicit interfaces in Fortran.

In one instance, the compiler has requested that I write an explicit interface when I attempt to use an assumed-shape array as a dummy argument for a function or subroutine (i.e., procedure): Explicit interface required for ... assumed-shape argument. For example, this would appear like REAL, INTENT(IN OUT) :: dummy_array(:) in a subroutine. The (:) in the declaration of the array means that the compiler takes care of passing information about the shape of the array to the subroutine. That's handy, but it also means that the compiler must know to do this when compiling the call or reference to the procedure. This is not evident from the CALL (or reference) alone, so the compiler must have information about the procedure's dummy arguments, hence the need for a explicit interface.

From what I understand, there are three methods for implementing an explicit interface in Fortran:

  1. Use a MODULE that CONTAINS the procedure. This tends to be the recommended approach.
  2. Make the procedure internal to whatever calls it. This would be like putting a CONTAINS statement right before the END statement of my main program. The entire code of my procedure would then be placed between these two statements.
  3. Write an INTERFACE for the procedure. I guess most folks default to this, but it tends to be the least recommended approach as it can be a bit laborious.

This brings me to my current problem: In another instance, the compiler gives Explicit interface required for ... allocatable argument. Here are the relevant parts following method 1 above:

MODULE My_Module
    SUBROUTINE Clean(my_array_sizes, my_arrays, my_arrays_clean)
      USE Shared, ONLY : dp
      REAL(dp), INTENT(OUT), ALLOCATABLE, ASYNCHRONOUS :: my_arrays_clean(:)
      ALLOCATE(my_arrays_clean(non_zero)) !new array of correct size
      my_arrays_clean = temp(1:non_zero) !transfer values

The problem seems to be with the dummy array my_arrays_clean. Here's the call:

  CALL Clean(my_array_size, probability, probability_clean) !remove empty values from array

The declaration of probability_clean:

  REAL(dp), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE, ASYNCHRONOUS :: probability, probability_clean !store Photon(E_i, depth) values

All seems well until I try to compile with gfortran -g -std=f2008 -Wall -Wextra -O2 -fall-intrinsics -fopenmp: undefined reference to 'clean_'. I have no idea what's wrong. Of course I can work around this problem to accomplish what I need, but I'd really like to understand the proper way to do this.

Looks like you're missing a use my_module where you have the call clean (...). Please show a complete example for more help.francescalus
I agree with @francescalus here. gfortran mangles the names of module procedures to something like _MOD_my_module_clean. The error message with clean_ does not show the mangled name.Steve
Something of a tangent: you haven't just written a subroutine to do what pack does , have you ?High Performance Mark

1 Answers


When we talk about an explicit (or implicit) interface, we aren't talking about a property of the procedure itself. A procedure has an interface, but this is not entirely the same concept. Take the module and subroutine as below.

module mod
  subroutine sub
  end subroutine
end module

The subroutine sub has an interface, including such information as it being a subroutine called sub with no dummy arguments. The subroutine of interest from the question has its own corresponding interface.

The "explicit interface" instead is about what information is known about the procedure's interface at the point at which the procedure is referenced. Look at

call sub

and compare it with

use mod, only : sub
call sub

In the first case, without using the module mod the compiler can't even see sub as being the subroutine within the module. sub here is an external procedure with implicit interface (and not the one in the module). In the second, sub is use associated; not only does the compiler now see the module subroutine but it sees the interface (which is now explicit).

Likewise, an internal procedure (item 2. using the contains statement) always has an explicit interface in its host:

  call sub
  subroutine sub
  end subroutine
end program

Third, with an interface block:

subroutine sub
end subroutine

    subroutine sub
    end subroutine
  end interface

  call sub
end program

In conclusion: accessible module procedures always have an explicit interface available, but they must first be made accessible with a use statement. Internal procedures are always accessible in the host, always with an explicit interface. Interface blocks provide an explicit interface, but again the interface block itself must be around where the procedure reference is made.