I am struggling with async operations. I am trying to simply get a value from firestore and storing it in a var.
I manage to receive the value, I can even save it in the var when I do that specifically (use the var within the get function) but I don't seem to manage the await properly when trying to save this in a flexible way:
async function getValues(collectionName, docName,) {
var result;
var docRef = await db.collection(collectionName).doc(docName).get()
.then(//async// (tried this as well with async) function (doc) {
if (doc.exists) {
console.log("Document data:", doc.data());
result = doc.data().text;
return //await// (this as well with async) result;
} else {
// doc.data() will be undefined in this case
console.log("No such document!");
result = "No such document!";
return result;
}).catch (function (err) {
console.log('Error getting documents', err);
helpMessage = getValues('configuration','helpMessage');
Note: doc.data().text -> "text"
is the name of the field where my value is stored in. Do I have to use .value
The result I get in the console is:
info: Document data: { text: 'The correct text from the database' }
info: The correct text from the database
But using helpMessage in my code I get
I have checked: getting value from cloud firestore, Firebase Firestore get() async/await, get asynchronous value from firebase firestore reference and most importantly How do I return the response from an asynchronous call?. They either deal with multiple documents (using forEach), don't address the async nature of my problem or (last case), I simply fail to understand the nature of it.
Additionally, both nodejs and firestore seems to be developing rapidly and finding good, up-to-date documentation or examples is difficult. Any pointers are much appriciated.