I'm trying to integrate with Outlook's APIs (more specifically I want to list a users' contacts, and be able to do some CRUD on them).
I created an Azure account, an Office 365 developer account, and an application on Azure.
I am able to get an access token using the login endpoint, like below:
And I am able to retrieve the list of users or get a user's details with the /users
endpoint using the bearer token too. The result of the "get user" method returns something like this:
"@odata.context": "https://graph.microsoft.com/v1.0/$metadata#users/$entity",
"businessPhones": [],
"displayName": "Renato Oliveira",
"givenName": "Renato",
"jobTitle": null,
"mail": null,
"mobilePhone": null,
"officeLocation": null,
"preferredLanguage": null,
"surname": "Oliveira",
"userPrincipalName": "renato.company.com.br#EXT#@renatocompanycom.onmicrosoft.com",
"id": "<user_id>"
Of course, this is using the /users
endpoint passing the user_id
on it:
I can't, however, get this users's contacts. When I send a GET request to the endpoint below
I get the error below:
"error": {
"code": "OrganizationFromTenantGuidNotFound",
"message": "The tenant for tenant guid '<my_active_directory_tenant_id>' does not exist.",
"innerError": {
"request-id": "<request_id>",
"date": "2019-03-18T20:43:16"
Why is this happening? Why does it work with /users
but not with /users/{id}/contacts
, even though the application has all permissions activated, and admin consent was granted for the Default Directory?