UPDATED I'm trying to verify a JWT access token programmatically using the x5c / x509 public key value below. I can get this working by plugging the token and x5c values into external web sites but not programmatically using JavaScript / jsrsasign. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
Here is the the OIDC provider's public JSON Web Key Set.
"keys": [
"kty": "RSA",
"kid": "server",
"use": "sig",
"alg": "RS256",
"n": "gLZO9w1OT_SWO-KbqiU0k3HevHggiY70XbDqgE1YaqhD-MwFUWNudExzF3oB28NYWYg5v6CJY0F-pUNtgukDM6ARDlh0n4xIvBRlnUnCTCx7pYOjpfXbTv49tlXmh4-ddh8EeQBLrF92u5UYs0tnZd8843mvYWohUNH1X1hM08-hpk7xCiy4XdwbeSlH757D2d5E0J0dGtZ744-dB2ZRCw2Vms_mk4Yyny4ifx2j2gIhikbb7WGmsTR2sWrtuhgZ_EBNUvrD0O54xbhQNTTFQ1pi9UZxo_gYc5Gp5fLcSOK6SDBKXbDS5hhy1vFyoa0xdgFv-xpem7YzmkKqzfjC9w",
"e": "AQAB",
"x5c": [
"x5t#S256": "nTAGJuFFrm-vNBdkLVNmuePwTmlXr0T87IppgJPRT9k"
Here is the code I'm using to verify the access token with the x5c. I'm under the impression I should be using the x5c value, but if there is another way that is fine with me. Just need to verify the token with the above values under keys.
// break line every 64 characters.
x5cValue = x5cValue.replace(/(.{64})/g, "$1\n");
// base64 decode
var x5cValueAtob = atob(x5cValue);
// Add Begin / END certificate
x5cValue = "-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----\n" + x5cValueAtob + "\n-----END CERTIFICATE-----";
var decoded = KJUR.jws.JWS.verify(accessTokenJson, rawContent, ["RS256"]);
Should I be adding the BEGIN / END PUBLIC KEY strings to the x5c value before / after base64 decode? yes, thanks to Adam
Do I need to process the x5c value before verify?
Returned response - decoded: false
Thank you in advance.
-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----${atob(x5cValue)}-----END CERTIFICATE-----
. I'm curious about one thing, though, do you need to verify the token, or just decode it to get at it's contents? – Adam