I have a recorded macro in google sheets for one sheet in my spreadsheet. I would like to edit the script so that it will apply to all sheets in the spreadsheet (so that I won't have to run the recorded macro in each sheet separately). I've seen articles on how to do this in Excel but is it possible in Google Sheets?
2 Answers
Although I am 9 months late in answering this, here is a working answer to your question with an example to clear all visible sheets using another function called ClearActiveSheet. If someone is still looking for how to do this, this should give an idea.
function ClearActiveSheet() {
var spreadsheet = SpreadsheetApp.getActive();
var sheet = spreadsheet.getActiveSheet();
function ClearAllVisibleSheets() {
var sheets = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet().getSheets();
sheets.forEach(function(sheet) {
//You would need to make this the current active sheet, so that you can call the ClearActiveSheet function that works on active sheet
// Now since you have this sheet activated, you can call the function to clear the active sheet
Select the function ClearAllVisibleSheets in GoogleSpredsheets from Tools-> ScriptsEditor -> SelectFunction (ClearAllVisibleSheets) and run/or debug and you will see this do the job.
P.S: If this satisfies your need, remember to upvote and kindly accept this as an answer :).