The following code will hide defined shipping methods based on the product variation product attribute terms, defined as settings, in the code below:
add_filter( 'woocommerce_package_rates', 'hide_shipping_method_based_on_variation_product_attribute', 10, 2 );
function hide_shipping_method_based_on_variation_product_attribute( $rates, $package ) {
if ( is_admin() && ! defined( 'DOING_AJAX' ) )
// HERE define the Product Attibute taxonomy (starts always with "pa_")
$taxonomy = 'pa_color'; // Example for "Color"
// HERE define shipping method rate ID to be removed from product attribute term(s) slug(s) (pairs) in this array
$data_array = array(
'flat_rate:12' => array('blue'),
'local_pickup:13' => array('black', 'white'),
// Loop through cart items
foreach( $package['contents'] as $cart_item ){
if( isset($cart_item['variation']['attribute_'.$taxonomy]) ) {
// The product attribute selected term slug
$term_slug = $cart_item['variation']['attribute_'.$taxonomy];
// Loop through our data array
foreach( $data_array as $rate_id => $term_slugs ) {
if( in_array($term_slug, $term_slugs) && isset($rates[$rate_id]) ) {
// We remove the shipping method corresponding to product attribute term as defined
return $rates;
Code goes in function.php file of your active child theme (or active theme). Tested and works.
Refresh the shipping caches (required):
- This code is already saved on your function.php file.
- Check that the cart is empty…
- In a shipping zone settings, disable / save any shipping method, then enable back / save.
You are done and you can test it.