
I'm trying to receive a push notification token from my app, but I never get a token. I tried debugging using a few alerts, and I can see that I get "granted" returned when accepting notifications. I have only tested for iOS.

i'm running

"expo": "^32.0.0",
"react-native": "https://github.com/expo/react-native/archive/sdk-32.0.0.tar.gz",

I tried using the guide from https://docs.expo.io/versions/latest/guides/push-notifications/

Since it didn't work i tried the snack they provided from the API reference: https://docs.expo.io/versions/v32.0.0/sdk/notifications/

snack: https://snack.expo.io/@documentation/pushnotifications

This is my current code:

 static registerForPushNotificationsAsync = async kid => {
    if (Constants.isDevice) {
      const { status: existingStatus } = await Permissions.getAsync(
      let finalStatus = existingStatus;
      if (existingStatus !== "granted") {
        const { status } = await Permissions.askAsync(
        finalStatus = status;
      if (finalStatus !== "granted") {
        alert("Failed to get push token for push notification!");
      let token = await Notifications.getExpoPushTokenAsync();
      alert("finalstatus " + finalStatus);
      alert("existing status " + existingStatus);
      // POST the token to your backend server from where you can retrieve it to send push notifications.
      return await fetch(`${Api.APIEndpoint}/app/notification`, {
        method: "POST",
        headers: {
          Accept: "application/json",
          "Content-Type": "application/json"
        body: JSON.stringify({
          token: token,
          kid: kid
    } else {
      alert("Must use physical device for Push Notifications");

the first two alerts triggers as expected (and returns "granted" when I accept), but alert(token) seems to be empty.

I also noticed that I get asked for two permissions. First it asks for permission to use notifications and then it asks for access to photos. I don't need permissison to photos and I am curious why it asks for that.

As far as I have understood reading the documentation, FCM is required only for android devices? I will need it to work on android as well, but I figured making it work for one platform first and then move on.

I installed the app on my iPhones using Testflight. Does the token only "appear" once the app is approved for the app store?

Maybe there's something else i missed in the documentation.

Any help or point in the right direction will be much appreciated.


2 Answers


I finally figured this out!

Leaving the solution here in case someone else should have the same problem.

Apparently i had an older version of expo-cli even though i tried updating it many times using npm install -g expo-cli. The command seemed to run fine, but the expo-cli was still the same version.

I tried uninstalling using npm but that seemed to have no effect. The expo-cli was still available. I think it might have been because i installed it before I started to use nvm.

I then decided to manually delete it. I'm running on mac and have no idea if theres a more correct way to uninstall it. But this seemed to work! I deleted /usr/bin/expo and /usr/bin/expo-cli. I then ran npm install -g expo-cli

I then updated the push cert for the app:

expo build:ios --clear-push-cert

I installed the app using testflight on my testdevices, and now I do get a token as expected!

Only thing i'm still curious about is why it asks for permission to access photos.

I hope this can help others with the same problem out there.

Thanks to the ones that took time to read my question.


I'm on v34 and was still having this problem in a BIG way. In case it is helpful to anyone in the future, I discovered that using the Permissions.USER_FACING_NOTIFICATIONS first caused the prompt to come up, then I could follow up with Permissions.NOTIFICATIONS, like so:

const { status } = await Permissions.askAsync(Permissions.USER_FACING_NOTIFICATIONS);
const { status2 } = await Permissions.askAsync(Permissions.NOTIFICATIONS);
finalStatus = status2?status2:status;

This did the trick for me. Hope it helps someone else!