
I tried to do collection matching in Scala without using scala.reflect.ClassTag

case class Foo(name: String)
case class Bar(id: Int)
case class Items(items: Vector[AnyRef])

val foo = Vector(Foo("a"), Foo("b"), Foo("c"))
val bar = Vector(Bar(1), Bar(2), Bar(3))

val fc = Items(foo)
val bc = Items(bar)

we can not do this:

fc match {
  case Items(x) if x.isInstanceOf[Vector[Foo]]


Warning: non-variable type argument Foo in type scala.collection.immutable.Vector[Foo] (the underlying of Vector[Foo]) is unchecked since it is eliminated by erasure

and this:

fc match {
  case Items(x: Vector[Foo]) =>

but we can do this:

fc match {
  case Items(x@(_: Foo) +: _) => ...
  case Items(x@(_: Bar) +: _) => ...

bc match {
  case Items(x@(_: Foo) +: _) => ...
  case Items(x@(_: Bar) +: _) => ...

As you can see, we are check - is collection Foo + vector or Bar + vector.

And here we are have some problems:

  1. We can do Vector(Foo("1"), Bar(2)), and this is will be match with Foo.
  2. We are still need "val result = x.asInstanceOf[Vector[Bar]]" class casting for result extraction

Is there are some more beautiful way? Like this:

fc match {
  case Items(x: Vector[Foo]) => // result is type of Vector[Foo] already
Just use ClassTag ... The "Off topic" section should really have an "XY-problem" subsection.Dima

2 Answers


What you're doing here is fundamentally just kind of unpleasant, so I'm not sure making it possible to do it in a beautiful way is a good thing, but for what it's worth, Shapeless's TypeCase is a little nicer:

case class Foo(name: String)
case class Bar(id: Int)
case class Items(items: Vector[AnyRef])

val foo = Vector(Foo("a"), Foo("b"), Foo("c"))
val bar = Vector(Bar(1), Bar(2), Bar(3))

val fc = Items(foo)
val bc = Items(bar)

val FooVector = shapeless.TypeCase[Vector[Foo]]
val BarVector = shapeless.TypeCase[Vector[Bar]]

And then:

scala> fc match {
     |   case Items(FooVector(items)) => items
     |   case _ => Vector.empty
     | }
res0: Vector[Foo] = Vector(Foo(a), Foo(b), Foo(c))

scala> bc match {
     |   case Items(FooVector(items)) => items
     |   case _ => Vector.empty
     | }
res1: Vector[Foo] = Vector()

Note that while ClassTag instances can also be used in this way, they don't do what you want:

scala> val FooVector = implicitly[scala.reflect.ClassTag[Vector[Foo]]]
FooVector: scala.reflect.ClassTag[Vector[Foo]] = scala.collection.immutable.Vector

scala> fc match {
     |   case Items(FooVector(items)) => items
     |   case _ => Vector.empty
     | }
res2: Vector[Foo] = Vector(Foo(a), Foo(b), Foo(c))

scala> bc match {
     |   case Items(FooVector(items)) => items
     |   case _ => Vector.empty
     | }
res3: Vector[Foo] = Vector(Bar(1), Bar(2), Bar(3))

…which will of course throw ClassCastExceptions if you try to use res3.

This really isn't a nice thing to do, though—inspecting types at runtime undermines parametricity, makes your code less robust, etc. Type erasure is a good thing, and the only problem with type erasure on the JVM is that it's not more complete.


If you want something that is simple using implicit conversions. then try this!

implicit def VectorConversionI(items: Items): Vector[AnyRef] = items match { case x@Items(v) => v }


val fcVertor: Vector[AnyRef] = fc // Vector(Foo(a), Foo(b), Foo(c))

val bcVertor: Vector[AnyRef] = bc // Vector(Bar(1), Bar(2), Bar(3))