
In Woocommerce, when I add multiple products in cart, the shipping only applies to to 1 product. How should I change that to apply the cost to each item?

Like in the following image, the shipping cost for printer is applied but the LCD monitor is not.

enter image description here

How to set a shipping cost by item in Woocommerce?

There are so many rules to ecommerce with how your products and shipping rules are set up. You'll need to share more relative information to get the help you need.domdambrogia
Any feed back on the answer below please… Did you tried?LoicTheAztec

1 Answers


In the Woocommerce Shipping Settings for "Flat rate" Shipping Method, there is many ways to get dynamic settings based on:

  • Item quantity, using [qty] argument
  • Total item cost, using [cost] argument
  • A fee, using [fee] argument with additional parameters percent, min_fee and max_fee

You can also use +, -, * and / operators and parenthesis.

Here are some example:

  1. [qty]*2 - Cost by item
  2. 4+([qty]*2.5) - Initial cost with an additional cost by item
  3. [fee percentage='10' min_fee='' max_fee='20'] - Percentage fee limited to a max amount
  4. [fee percentage='10' min_fee='4' max_fee=''] - Percentage fee with a minimal cost

enter image description here

Related thread: Set Minimum item cost in Woocommerce Shipping method rates

Advanced shipping cost customizations:

It's possible to customize even more shipping costs using woocommerce_package_rates filter hook.

See all StackOverFlow related threads using woocommerce_package_rates filter hook.