
I am using the virtual machine instant-veins-4-7-1-i1 on VirtualBox with Omnet++-5.3 and Sumo-0.32.0.

I have modified the Veins Erlangen example changing the configuration file erlangen.sumo.cfg and introducing my own Sumo scenario. My simulation starts correctly but it takes about 3 minutes to start when I press the run or the step button, while using the provided Erlangen example it starts immediately despite this latter scenario has more routes and more vehicles.

Why does my simulation take so long to start?


Is this related to SUMO's startup time? Did you try running your SUMO simulation in SUMO only and see how long it takes to start?Christoph Sommer
@ChristophSommer I have just tried to run my Sumo simulation in SUMO and it works immediately and correctly. If you need more details to debug please ask. Thank youRicla
This sounds hard to debug. Maybe the number of polygons is very high (the Veins 4.7.1 example uses SUMO's polygons to define radio obstacles in the OMNeT++ simulation). Maybe cars are starting very late in your scenario. Are you able to share your scenario?Christoph Sommer

1 Answers


I solved the issue by modifying the my_poly.poly.xml file:

I have removed from the following line

<additional xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="http://sumo.dlr.de/xsd/additional_file.xsd">

the xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation and xmlns:xsi attributes.

I have also noticed that in erlange.poly.xml is used the <shapes> tag instead of the <additional> tag. I have tried to replace the <additional>tag with the <shapes> tag and it works correctly.