
I am currently developing a Xamarin Forms application which is using Master Detail Pages. I am able to push the master detail forms onto the Navigation Stack using Navigation.PushAsync(MasterDetailForm) but am not able to pop the master detail forms from the stack using Navigation.PopAsync(). I tried the Remove method but this didn't work either. I am wondering if anyone could help me please?

Why are you doing that exactly?FreakyAli
MasterDetail should be the root view of your app, not contained within a NavigationPageJason
I got the navigation working with Navigation.PushModelAsync and Navigation.PopModalAsync.C. Hoy

1 Answers


Have you tried this: Navigation.PushAsync(new NavigationPage(MasterDetailForm))? I think you dont have a root page. Or your Detail Page doesn't set as Navigation.PushAsync(new NavigationPage(DetailPage)) or just simple Detail = DetailPage. Check this project: https://github.com/officialdoniald/Xamarin.Forms.CustomControls