I'm starting to use the liferay-auto-fields composant.
So here is my jsp with the aui:script -->
<aui:form action="<%=saveMotiveURL%>" name="fm" method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data" onSubmit="setZones()" >
<div id="emailAdress-fields">
<label class="control-label"><liferay-ui:message key="motiveConfigEdit.col5"></liferay-ui:message> </label>
<div class="lfr-form-row lfr-form-row-inline">
<div class="row-fields">
<aui:input type="text" name="emailAdress1" fieldParam='emailAdress1' id='emailAdress1' label="" value=""/>
<aui:input type="hidden" name="motiveEmailId1" fieldParam='motiveEmailId1' id='motiveEmailId1' value=""/>
<aui:button type="submit" name="saveButton" value="button.create" label=""/>
AUI().use('liferay-auto-fields',function(A) {
new Liferay.AutoFields(
contentBox: '#emailAdress-fields',
fieldIndexes: '<portlet:namespace />rowIndexes'
Then, i want to retrieve the "rowIndexes" in the processaction function, so i do :
String rowIndexes = actionRequest.getParameter("rowIndexes");
And this always gives me EMPTY. I notice also that the hidden field in the jsp 'rowIndexes' doesn't change or have value when i had an autofield by clicking on the "+" button.
Is anyone has a solution ?