
Since from today morning, I am getting these two errors while building it on device: -

  1. List item

Automatic signing is unable to resolve an issue with the "AppName" target's entitlements.

  1. List item

Provisioning profile "iOS Team Provisioning Profile: com.xxx.yyssnn" doesn't include the application-identifier and keychain-access-groups entitlements.

Tried with multiple Team Accounts and on different machines but no luck. Any help is much appreciated.

Thanks in advance.

Please check your certificates removed/expired in both keychain access and developer account.Rajesh
Apple Server outage is most probably the issue.Alok Nair
Any luck? Still having the same issue.Amish

1 Answers


I had the same problem this morning. I write how I solved with the hope that it works for you too. With the project open, click on the project file and then in the next column, on Target -> Capabilities and activate App Groups and Keychain Sharing. Now in the project navigator column a file nameProject.entitlements will appear, move nameProject.entitlements out of the folder, always in the project navigator just below the project file. Always in Capabilities put off again: App Groups and Keychain Sharing. Now click on Project -> Build Settings -> Signing -> Code Signing Identity and select: iPhone Developer: .... A little further up in Code Signing Entitlements: double click on the text field to its right and copy (or write) to integer the name of the file nameProject.entitlements and click enter. Now it should work, I hope it helps.